Official Artist
Jay FC
Art Director , Graphic Designer , Magazine Editor
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Lucky Artwork.. (Apparently)

Had the Fung Shui man over to the studio last week - an interesting experience... I can't say that I truly believe, but then I can't say that I don't either.. Anyways - one of the (many) things we had to change was the large artwork behind my personal working area - apparently it needed to be more red, more happy, and bit more suitable for a man with a family than the semi nude tattoo babe that I had up there previously...

So I knocked this out over lunch and got it up on the wall pronto.. A bit of classic Chinese propaganda remixed and montaged and turned into a two metre artwork.

I gotta say though, it does make me smile... So now I'm just waiting for all the cash to start flooding in. Will keep you posted...

over 16 years ago 0 likes  3 comments  0 shares
Zhouxiaofei 88 zhouxiaofei
hee hee...Q
over 16 years ago


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