10K!終於10K Followers! 雖然唔係咩大數字,但係感覺係去左另一個階段!我亦唔係咩明星名人,而家只係一個希望用音樂感染大家既製作人! 好感激每一位Follow左我既朋友,多謝您地每一個Like, Share, Comment!令我有動力去學習去分享去創作! 希望快D到50K,100K啦!哈哈!
It's 10K Followers finally! To me, it's a real milestone. I'm not a famous celebrity or artist, I'm just a music producer who wanna make people happy and enjoy! Thanks everybody for your Like, Share & Comment, which motivates me keep going on learning, sharing and producing! Hopefully I can get 50k, even 100k followers soon! Thank you everyone!
DJ / Producer / +852 Hong Kong / EDM / Remix / @JFungRemix / #JFungRemix