? 第42屆香港國際電影節特刊、《雲外笑紅塵—林青霞》專題特刊及 Moleskine 林青霞特別版記事簿(紅色版)已經放在網上發售!電影節協會以往出版的書刊及多屆電影節特刊、精品都可在網上買到~ ????一 click以下圖片就可直達購買頁面 ?
HKIFF42 Main Catalogue, “Brigitte Lin, Filmmaker in Focus” and her #Moleskine special edition notebook (red ver.) are on our online shop now! Click the pics below and visit our shop, where you can find out our past publications as well!
?#夏勞哀 (1893-1971),125歲生日快樂!夏勞為默片時代最偉大的喜劇演員之一,?他在《平安是福》(1923) 的鐘樓場面早已成為默片經典。?去年 #夏日國際電影節 亦重溫了他的另一部喜劇《新丁》(1925)。你又記得他哪一部作品?
?Happy birthday, #HaroldLloyd (1893-1971)! Born on this day, 125 years ago, Lloyd was one of the silent cinema's greatest comedians. We remember him as the man dangling desperately from ?the clock tower in SAFETY LAST! (1923) and the football player running in ?THE FRESHMAN (1925, shown in #SummerIFF last year). How about you?
【#CineFan】 荷索:《陸上行舟》、《夢的負累》 Herzog: FITZCARRALDO and BURDEN OF DREAMS
「希望這部電影能令你感受到現實生活裏澎湃的生命力,在步出戲院時,身體猶如輕了二十公斤。」荷索在 #HKIFF42 對影迷親述拍攝《陸上行舟》的最大動機。將一艘逾三百噸輪船移動上山,早已成為影壇傳奇;由荷索親口道來拍攝期間實際要面對的種種艱辛,包括自然環境的變化,及無法預計的意外,更是超乎觀眾想像。《夢的負累》紀錄了匪夷所思的製作軼事,正好展現了荷索所說電影應有的Pura Vida (意即「純樸原始的生命」)。經歷種種磨難,荷索認為「電影反而獲得了自己的生命」。
While recognizing that a ship weighing more than 300 tons is not meant to be moved over a mountain, #WernerHerzog maintained, “When audiences see the film, they feel at least 20 kilos lighter walking out of the theatre.” The master told the #HKIFF audienc...Read more
【#每日影訊】早前電影節免費放映由 NHK 製作的紀錄片《#消失的北齋》,並邀請導演岡內秀明及配樂穴沢弘慶來HKIFF42與觀眾見面。導演更透露下個拍攝計劃亦是關於北齋。重溫觀眾問答環節內容:bit.ly/2IYEgQ3 ??? 而想進一步了解北齋的觀眾,亦可到 NHK WORLD-JAPAN 免費觀看以葛飾北齋女兒阿榮為主角的特別劇集《眩:北齋之女》,主演包括 #宮崎葵 和 #松田龍平。影片附英文字幕。劇集傳送門:bit.ly/2ESSIGK
[#FestivalDaily] If you missed the Q&A session of THE LOST HOKUSAI with director Okauchi Hideaki and musician Arnaszawa Hiroynoshri during HKIFF42, read our recap at bit.ly/2IYEgQ3. ??? Also produced by NHK, Japanese drama KURARA: THE DAZZLING LIFE OF HOKUSAI'S DAUGHTER (starring #MiyazakiAoi and #MatsudaRyuhei) is now available wi...Read more
【#CineFan】《吸血殭屍驚情四百年》、《鋼琴別戀》 ??♂️ BRAM STOKER’S DRACULA and THE PIANO ?
The heart asks pleasure first. In the most sensual horror-romance among the Dracula legends by #FrancisFordCoppola, Oscar Best Actor #GaryOldman defends the guilty pleasure of for his erotic love for Mina (#WinonaRyder), who resembles his departed lover. In #Ja...Read more
【R.I.P.】著名捷克導演 #米路士科曼 (1932-2018)於上周五與世長辭, 經典作品包括《金髮女郎之戀》(1965)、《飛越瘋人院》(1975)和《莫扎特傳》(1984)。 [圖為《飛越瘋人院》拍攝現場的積尼高遜和米路士科曼;圖片來源:Archive of Milos Forman]
In memory of Czech director #MilosForman (1932-2018), who passed away last Friday. His masterpieces include LOVES OF A BLONDE (1965), ONE FLEW OVER THE CUCKOO'S NEST (1975) and AMADEUS (1984). [Photo: Jack Nicholson and Milos Forman on the set of ONE FLEW OVER THE CUCKOO'S NEST; © Archive of Milos Forman]
"I live in my time, and I breathe in my time, and I move in my time, and I will die in my time, and it's perfectly alright. Now, I am right here, and I am not somehow sitting still. I've always, always moved ahead." -- Werner Herzog ?
華納荷索出席HKIFF42期間,接受 RTHK's The Works 訪問,討論紀錄片與劇情片的差異、其作品裡體現的大自然和人性等等。Cine Fan四、五月節目繼續選映華納荷索的佳作,包括訪問中提到的紀錄片《熊人》(2005)。
WernerHerzog spoke to The Works RTHK and discussed the distinctions between documentary and fiction films, the nature and humanity, and much more... Watch the "serene" Herzog...Read more
Name the film. What were you doing in the one minute before 3 pm on 16 April 2018?
?️意大利著名導演 #維托利奧塔維安尼(1929-2018)昨天離世,享年88歲。維托利奧塔維安尼最後一次以編劇身份參與、由其弟鮑勞塔維安尼執導的《戰火虹天》於第42屆香港國際電影節「大師級」環節放映,而塔維安尼兄弟回顧展亦是Cine Fan頭炮節目的重點之一,選映作品包括勇奪康城金棕櫚獎的《我父我主》(1977)及柏林金熊獎的《凱撒必死》(2012)。
?️We are sad to hear about the passing of one of cinema’s most acclaimed filmmakers, #VittorioTaviani (1929-2018). Along with his brother Paolo, the filmmaking duo is beloved by cinephiles across the globe and recipient of many major international awards, including the Cannes Palme d’Or for PADRE PADRONE (1977) and the Golden Bear for CAESAR MUST DIE in Berlinale (2012), both of which...Read more
恭喜香港國際電影節大使古天樂憑《殺破狼·貪狼》首次贏得金像獎最佳男主角獎!??#一部好嘅電影係唔可以放棄 #香港人要一齊團結做好香港電影
Congratulations to our ambassador Louis Koo for winning his first Best Actor Award at the Hong Kong Film Awards for his performance in PARADOX, which opened our Summer International Film Festival last year.????
香港電影金像獎 Hong Kong Film Awards 殺破狼・貪狼 Paradox #古天樂 #louiskoo
Hong Kong International Film Festival