都說我是香港島居民,是電影節我才天天往尖沙咀,而那些平時拒絕往...Read more
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Dear Friends, Fans and other Electrical Appliances!The 33rd Hong Kong International Film Festival is drawing to a close, and very soon we will have to bid "adieu" to all of you for another year! Yes, tears are already welling in my eyes at the thought!But! Never fear, because you can keep wonderful memories of the Festival with you at all times! Just get your hands on our limited edition Official Merchandise!That's right, these are the last THREE days to get your Jam Lamb designed Tee-shirts and Sponge Caps beari...Read more
So the festival is at its final weekend, tickets are flying out the door, and so its time to push the merchandise out the door too!What kind of merchandise? Do I hear you say? Tee-shirts and caps! And well, we could tell you how they look like, but what better way to induce you to get them than to show you pictures of models in our Official Merchandise!Pictures of pretty young things looking sexxxy cool in 33rd HKIFF stuff.Read more
There is nothing to say when profound sadness hits a community as closely knit as this. Wouter Barendrecht, co-founder of Fortissimo Films, and a great friend to many in the industry, passed away in Bangkok on Sunday. He was 43.It is tempting at moments like this to revert to journalistic detachment, to observe impassively that Wouter was a champion of independent cinema in this region, that so many filmma...Read more
原藉荷蘭,以香港為總部的Fortissimo創辦人之一Wouter Barendrecht (中文名 :博偉達1965 – 2009 )不幸於4月5日在泰國逝世,享年43歲,據Fortissimo聲明中指出,Wouter當時在當地看公司新合拍片NYMPH的初剪版本。
香港國際電影節在Facebook內非常活躍,官方或非官方影迷自發的不同群組及主頁隨處可見,內容包羅萬有、消息發布、影評文章、求票放飛、奇遇軼事、不滿 發洩、關心感言、構成七情六慾層出不窮的小社群。prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /
Hong Kong International Film Festival