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佐治米拿 Mad Max 系列

由1979年佐治米拿夥拍初出茅廬的米路吉遜,完成《霹靂神探怒掃飛車黨》,成為一時美談,到1981年以較多資源再拍續集《開路先鋒》,到去年神采飛揚狂野奔放的《末日先鋒:戰甲飛車》,見證著一個橫跨三十年的電影夢。七月最後一個周末,是在大銀幕欣賞今次 Cine Fan 選映這三部 Mad Max 的最後機會了,三場均在 Festival Grand放映。


《霹靂神探怒掃飛車黨》:http://cinefan.com.hk/cms/film/mad-max/?lang=zh 《開路先鋒》:http://cinefan.com.hk/cms/film/mad-max-2-the-road-warrior/?lang=zh 《末日先鋒:戰甲飛車》:http://cinefan.com.hk/cms/film/mad-max-fury-road/?lang=zh

George Miller's MAD MAX series

The MAD MAX series began in 1979 with MAD MAX, starring the then little-known Mel Gibson, followed by MAD MAX 2: THE ROAD WARRIOR, the worldwide box office success in 1981. And then the franchise is revived with the wild post-apocalyptic dystopian fourth installment MAD MAX: FURY ROAD. By the end of July, you can watch these three installments on three consecutive days at the Festival Grand Cinema.

In the post-screening talk of MAD MAX: FURY ROAD on June 25, critic Bryan Chang talked about how director George Miller, who was once a medical doctor in an emergency room, dissected the crises that human had to face after the war. In the fourth installment, when someone cares about the irresponsible Max, he would have no choice but to intervene and ultimately becomes the only one in the series to reverse the situation and achieve redemption.

MAD MAX: http://cinefan.com.hk/cms/film/mad-max/ MAD MAX 2: THE ROAD WARRIOR: http://cinefan.com.hk/cms/film/mad-max-2-the-road-warrior/ MAD MAX: FURY ROAD: http://cinefan.com.hk/cms/film/mad-max-fury-road/

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