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佐治米拿 Mad Max 系列

去年《末日先鋒:戰甲飛車》一出,迅即成為不少影迷的心頭好,稱得上「新鮮經典」。佐治米拿利用新科技,借一場虛構國度的絕地抗爭,為觀眾帶來了豐富的視聽衝擊,炮製了跨時代的動作巨構。Cine Fan這次一口氣選映此系列其中三集,由1979年初出茅廬的米路吉遜演繹為妻兒報仇大開殺戒的瘋狂麥士,1981年化身游俠孤身飛車上路面對文明崩壞捲入煉油廠攻防戰,到去年第四集在奧斯卡摘下六項大獎,齊來重溫Mad Max石破天驚的先鋒之路。

《霹靂神探怒掃飛車黨》6月18日場次設映後談,講者劉偉霖。之後在同一場地繼續放映《開路先鋒》。 《末日先鋒:戰甲飛車》6月25日場次設映後談,講者張偉雄。

《霹靂神探怒掃飛車黨》:http://cinefan.com.hk/cms/film/mad-max/?lang=zh 《開路先鋒》:http://cinefan.com.hk/cms/film/mad-max-2-the-road-warrior/?lang=zh 《末日先鋒:戰甲飛車》:http://cinefan.com.hk/cms/film/mad-max-fury-road/?lang=zh

George Miller's MAD MAX series

When MAD MAX: FURY ROAD was released last year, it quickly became everybody's film of the year, and garnered 6 awards at the Oscars. George Miller uses advanced technology to recreate the post-apocalyptic wasteland, where Max and Furiosa flee the clutches of tyrannical ruler Immortan Joe. Cine Fan presents this instant classic with the first two unforgettable installments MAD MAX and MAD MAX 2: THE ROAD WARRIOR. Don't miss this chance to trace back to where it all started and see how it became the template for all post-apocalyptic sci-fi films to come.

MAD MAX: http://cinefan.com.hk/cms/film/mad-max/ MAD MAX 2: THE ROAD WARRIOR: http://cinefan.com.hk/cms/film/mad-max-2-the-road-warrior/ MAD MAX: FURY ROAD:http://cinefan.com.hk/cms/film/mad-max-fury-road/

almost 8 years ago 85 likes  0 comment  14 shares


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