?銀幕再現:《#無悔今生》、《#蜘蛛女之吻》 八十年代兩大影帝摘下奧斯卡的傑作,以超凡演技閃爆銀幕!#丹尼爾戴路易斯 飾演天生腦麻痺的藝術奇才,以靈巧左腳繪出幅幅獲獎畫作,在拍攝《無悔今生》期間全程坐輪椅兼維持語言障礙狀態,片中畫作皆出自其「腳筆」,方法演技已臻極致。#威廉赫特 在《蜘蛛女之吻》破格演繹同性戀者,在囚室中與陽剛政治犯培養出生死之交的情誼,展現魔幻現實之間的哲思情感與心靈掙扎,演出感人入木三分。6月10日及11日場次各有映後談,分別由林錦波和朗天主講。
《無悔今生》:http://cinefan.com.hk/zh-hant/movie/my-left-foot/ 《蜘蛛女之吻》:http://cinefan.com.hk/zh-hant/movie/kiss-of-the-spider-woman/
?Back to the Screen: MY LEFT FOOT and KISS OF THE SPIDER WOMAN Two of the best actors of the 80s illuminate the screen with their Academy Award-winning performance of two extraordinary characters. Daniel Day-Lewis, with his exquisite method acting, lived the life of Christy Brown in MY LEFT FOOT, portraying a brilliant mind within a paralyzed body struggling for love and recognition. William Hurt challenged the audience with his carefully nurtured and profoundly moving gay role in KISS OF THE SPIDER WOMAN, a visually compelling film about manhood and heroism. A tribute to human dignity and compassion, these films have never lost their power over the years.
Hong Kong International Film Festival