在8月22日的映後座談會上,影評人劉嶔及王勛談到歌舞片早在聲片面世時便大行其道,四十年代更達至高峰,成為了主流娛樂,也是逃避主義的象徵。舞蹈家如Busby Berkeley、Ginger Rogers及Fred Astaire等,都在銀幕上大放異彩,成為家傳戶曉的巨星。及後的《星海浮沉錄》和《歌廳》等,則在歌舞片熱潮漸退時,解構歌舞片類型,揭開舞台背後的華麗面紗。
《花都艷舞》:http://cinefan.com.hk/cms/film/an-american-in-paris/?lang=zh 《金粉世家》:http://cinefan.com.hk/cms/film/gigi/?lang=zh 《女人就是女人》:http://cinefan.com.hk/cms/film/a-woman-is-a-woman/?lang=zh
As one of the most important icons of Hollywood musicals, director Vincente Minnelli won the Best Picture award at the Oscars twice for AN AMERICAN IN PARIS and GIGI. French New Wave director Jean-Luc Godard paid tribute to the genre with A WOMAN IS A WOMAN, showcasing a dizzying compendium of color, humor, and music, with his wife Anna Karina in the lead.
In the post-screening seminar on 22 Aug, Lau Yam and Geoffrey Wong talked about the genesis of Hollywood musicals in the late-1920s, when sound films kicked into gear. The 1940s is the golden era of Hollywood musicals with stars like Busby Berkeley, Ginger Rogers and Fred Astaire. In the 70s, classical musicals has become old fashioned and films like CABARET began to deconstruct the genre and place emphasis on the gritty realism.
AN AMERICAN IN PARIS: http://cinefan.com.hk/cms/film/an-american-in-paris/ GIGI: http://cinefan.com.hk/cms/film/gigi/ A WOMAN IS A WOMAN: http://cinefan.com.hk/cms/film/a-woman-is-a-woman/
Hong Kong International Film Festival