園子溫剛於四月訪港,香港國際電影節放映了他早期拍8米厘的《我是園子溫!!》、《男之花道》,及近作《新宿天鵝》、《耳語星球》,Cine Fan亦重溫了他的《愛之剝脫》。近年他十分多產,水準也參差,但無論如何,都不能否認他對電影那份激情。由大島渚兒子大島新執導的紀錄片《他是園子溫》,就趁《耳語星球》拍攝期間,捕捉園子溫鮮為人知的一面,見證他如何在創作兩難中取捨,園粉必看。
《他是園子溫》:http://cinefan.com.hk/cms/film/the-sion-sono/?lang=zh 《蟲食特工隊》:http://cinefan.com.hk/cms/film/bugs/?lang=zh
Sono Sion visited Hong Kong this April, with his early 8mm experimental films I AM SION SONO!! and A MAN'S FLOWER ROAD, as well as his latest works SHINJUKU SWAN and THE WHISPERING STAR. Cine Fans have also revisited his cult classic LOVE EXPOSURE. No matter you like him or not, you can't deny his passion for cinema. Oshima Arata's (son of Oshima Nagisa) documentary on this insanely prolific director, poet, painter on the set of THE WHISPERING STAR, is a must-see for Sono fans.
Director of AI WEIWEI THE FAKE CASE, Andreas Johnsen, comes back with an eye-opening documentary on... yes, bug eating. Surprisingly tasty and thought provoking, he follows a chef and a researcher of the Nordic Food Lab as they travel to sample edible insects for a study on alternate food sources. After watching this film, you'll find yourself yearning for more!
THE SION SONO: http://cinefan.com.hk/cms/film/the-sion-sono/ BUGS: http://cinefan.com.hk/cms/film/bugs/
Hong Kong International Film Festival