希治閣:3D電話情殺案、神秘賊美人 希治閣的金髮美女個個明艷照人,惜總是紅顏命薄。《3D電話情殺案》的嬌妻空閨寂寞另結新歡,妒夫佈局買兇殺妻卻陰溝裡翻船,情急智生將錯就錯,順手把妻子送上死刑台。希治閣以電影拍出劇場感演繹「完美罪行」,電話和門匙環環緊扣,未到結局不知鹿死誰手。50年代的3D驚慄效果如今修復重現,豈能錯過?
《神秘賊美人》的艷賊內心複雜陰暗,偷竊成癖,但上得山多終遇虎,被新老闆識破設圈套請君入甕,不單捕獵她的心靈和軀體,還要解她的童年心結。影片大膽窺視人心暗角的獸性慾望,希治閣堅持拍郵輪上強姦一幕,亦成了導演本人的執迷。 《3D電話情殺案》: http://cinefan.com.hk/cms/film/dial-m-for-murder-3d/?lang=zh 《神秘賊美人》: http://cinefan.com.hk/cms/film/marnie/?lang=zh
Alfred Hitchcock: DIAL M FOR MURDER 3D and MARNIE
Always beautiful, Hitchcock’s icy blondes are dangerous lovers with complex pasts and doomed fate. In DIAL M FOR MURDER 3D, Grace Kelly is Margot, a neglected wife with an affair, who is framed and murdered by her jealous husband. The "perfect murder" is shot in 3D to increase the film's theatricality, but it has mostly been shown in 2D only – until this 3D restored version.
Tippi Hedren in MARNIE is a tortured soul with habitual stealing and serious psychological problems, being maneuvered through complicated plots of identities, blackmail and conspiracy. The rape scene that Hitchcock apparently loves the most exposes his obsession in the themes of abuse, damage and struggles.
DIAL M FOR MURDER 3D: http://cinefan.com.hk/cms/film/dial-m-for-murder-3d/ MARNIE: http://cinefan.com.hk/cms/film/marnie/
Hong Kong International Film Festival