【#夏日國際電影節】叛逆青春:《少女的最後初夏》、《制服小虎女》 熱浪襲港,令人喘不過氣是反叛少女燃燒的火燙青春。勇闖康城影展的《#少女的最後初夏》以35毫米菲林拍攝,十三歲少女度過難忘暑假迎向失明的黑暗世界,不顧一切追隨神秘放浪的吉卜賽男子打劫逃亡,展開一場感官和情慾的體驗之旅。《#制服小虎女》則殺入柏林影展,虎妹發揮街頭智慧硬淨生活,騰雞妹性格內向學做實Q,兩個辣妹穿上護衛制服組成小虎隊「儆惡懲奸」,齊齊拍檔偏向虎山行。《舐血成人禮》和《畢作虧心事》光芒四射的兩女主角初結片緣,火花四濺!
《少女的最後初夏》:http://cinefan.com.hk/zh-hant/movie/ava/ 《制服小虎女》:http://cinefan.com.hk/zh-hant/movie/tiger-girl/
【#SummerIFF17】Passion of Youth: AVA and TIGER GIRL What is a youth? Impetuous fire! As she gradually loses her sight, thirteen-year-old Ava decides to confront the problem in her own way – turning badass and going on a crime spree with her gypsy lover-on-the-run. Mysterious heroine Tiger comes to the rescue of a young female security guard, and the pair band together and embark on an anarchic feminist peacekeeping mission. Venturing into Cannes and Berlinale are three promising actresses – newcomer #NoéeAbita, #EllaRumpf (RAW) and #MariaDragus (GRADUATION). Girl power burns the fire!
Hong Kong International Film Festival