?【#夏日國際電影節】酷爆樂壇:《Iggy Pop 神級搖滾》、《拉闊日與夜》 搖滾不死,經典傳奇與新紥組合的音樂電影,先後在康城及柏林影展激發光芒。占渣木殊以樂迷和摯友雙重身分打造《Iggy Pop神級搖滾》,回溯樂壇班霸 #TheStooges 成軍五十年來創新原始又自我毀滅的生命史,以暴烈樂風和狂放舞台表演釋放危險慾望;溫達保頓則在《拉闊日與夜》半紀錄半虛構倫敦新紥另類搖滾組合 #WolfAlice 的巡迴演唱,比《情慾九歌》更進一步,透過一對虛擬情侶以搖滾刺激肉體的瘋狂極樂,挑戰情色禁忌的極限。
《#IggyPop 神級搖滾》:http://cinefan.com.hk/zh-hant/movie/gimme-danger/ 《拉闊日與夜》:http://cinefan.com.hk/zh-hant/movie/on-the-road/
?【#SummerIFF17】Rock the scene: GIMME DANGER and ON THE ROAD From legendary rockers to promising outfits, these two films about celebrated musicians not only rock the scene at Cannes and Berlin, they also challenge the sheer physicality of subversive music. Music fan #JimJarmusch taps a rich archive tracing the destructive tendencies and improbable survival of iconic rock star Iggy Pop and the Stooges in GIMME DANGER. #MichaelWinterbottom's ON THE ROAD follows British neo-grunge outfit Wolf Alice during its UK-Ireland tour, intertwined with a fictional love story explicitly depicting intense and rigorous sexual encounters, which, like 9 SONGS, is no short of controversy.
Hong Kong International Film Festival