?【#HKIFF42】 完成大師班後的原一男導演 ??年逾古稀的原一男,對社會的不公義仍然滿腔怒火,對電影拍攝依舊懷抱熱誠。或許正是這一種對生命的熱愛,讓他看來比實際年齡年輕得多。 After the master class at Arts Centre meow The reason why Hara still looks so younger at the age of 73 is that he remains dedicated to following his passions and tearing down taboos. . ▶️《祭軍魂》 THE EMPEROR’S NAKED ARMY MARCHES ON 6/4, 9:45 pm, The Grand . ▶️《極私愛慾.戀歌1974》 EXTREME PRIVATE EROS: LOVE SONG 1974 7/4, 5:00 pm, The Metroplex .
Hong Kong International Film Festival