【#HKIFF42】電影節不只是影迷的盛會,還是世界各地電影人相聚的地方。一班至醒的影人昨晚於掌門精釀啤酒飲勝,交流創作心得。出席嘉賓包括《奧馬爾成魔之路》導演漢沙爾默塔、《哪一天我們會死》監製Donsaron Kovitvanitcha、《寫我小心情》監製John Torres、《天星小輪》導演廖沛毅和《迷失愛與痛的邊緣》的導演佩舒彭德拉辛格及監製Sanjay Gulati等等。
Not just a festival for movie buffs, HKIFF is also where filmmakers from all over the world could mingle and meet their counterparts! Last night, filmmakers who have films playing in HKIFF42 hung out at Zhangmen Brewery. It looks like Hansal Mehta (director of OMERTA), Donsaron Kovitvanitcha (producer of DIE TOMORROW), John Torres (producer of NERVOUS TRANSLATION), Simon Liu (director of STAR FERRY), Sanjay Gulati and Pushpendra Singh (producer and director of ASHWATTHAMA) were having fun!
Hong Kong International Film Festival