?【#電影節發燒友】征服電影:《柏林工人日誌》+《天下誰屬?》、《希特拉青年團》 ?? [#CineFan] Conquer Film: HOW THE BERLIN WORKER LIVES + KUHLE WAMPE OR WHO OWN THE WORLD? and HITLER YOUTH QUEX
革命不是請客吃飯,德國左翼影人深明電影正是深耕細作的場域,以寫實主義作品推動社會改革。斯拉丹杜多夫的《柏林工人日誌》及《天下誰屬?》,寫三十年代柏林青年在工廠營營役役,或是人浮於事無處為家,映照階級鬥爭的真實與虛妄;相反,《希特拉青年團》的少年則對精神抖擻、紀律井然的納粹青年團趨之若鶩,示範電影如何作為國家機器。11月5 日兩場均設映前簡介,由慕尼黑電影博物館館長施德芬德羅斯勒英語主講。
《柏林工人日誌》+《天下誰屬?》:http://cinefan.com.hk/zh-hant/movie/how-the-berlin-worker-lives/ 《希特拉青年團》:http://cinefan.com.hk/zh-hant/movie/hitler-youth-quex/
A time of economic chaos and social inequality witnessed a fluorescence of films in post-war Germany. Two films by Slatan Dudow, HOW THE BERLIN WORKER LIVES and KUHLE WAMPE OR WHO OWN THE WORLD?, are powerful indictment of the poverty and despair of Depression Germany, in which men and women faced crushing burdens and saw no future. On the contrary, HITLER YOUTH QUEX depicts hope in the order and solidarity of young Nazis, a perfect example of propaganda film of the Third Reich. Stefan Droessler, Director of Munich Film Museum, will give an introduction before these screenings on 5 Nov. Goethe-Institut Hongkong Filmmuseum München
HOW THE BERLIN WORKER LIVES + KUHLE WAMPE OR WHO OWN THE WORLD?: http://cinefan.com.hk/movie/how-the-berlin-worker-lives/ HITLER YOUTH QUEX: http://cinefan.com.hk/movie/hitler-youth-quex/
Hong Kong International Film Festival