?【#電影節發燒友】原節子:《安城家的舞會》、《白痴》 ? [#CineFan] THE BALL AT THE ANJO HOUSE and THE IDIOT 一明一暗,#原節子 在 #吉村公三郎 和 #黑澤明 的鏡頭下,演活了兩個截然不同新時代女性的喜與愁。沒落貴族安城家的女兒剛毅沉着,看破世態炎涼,與企圖飲彈自盡的父親翩然起舞,燦爛笑容照亮不可知的未來。聲名狼藉的名媛情傾純真善良的白痴,卻不願自己的不乾不淨毀了他的幸福,最終死於因妒成恨的情人手上。無論是開朗樂觀,或是深沉悲哀,原節子演來,總帶一縷人性的溫柔。 ?《安城家的舞會》:http://bit.ly/2BJggxw ?《白痴》:http://bit.ly/2jM8oDd
A thoughtful, devoted daughter of a doomed aristocratic family, or a tempestuous, sexy woman surrounded by men, #HaraSetsuko plays the two entirely different roles of the post-war “new” woman with a touch of empathy and affection. While #YoshimuraKozaburo sees in her a bright, optimistic hope for the future, #KurosawaAkira finds in her a tormented, envious soul with a condemned destiny. No matter what kind of woman she plays, you’ll simply feel overwhelmed with a kind of love for Hara. ?THE BALL AT THE ANJO HOUSE: http://bit.ly/2AMh9YF ?THE IDIOT: http://bit.ly/2A1XnbI
Hong Kong International Film Festival