?【#電影節發燒友】《異形》(原裝版)、《異形續集》(加長版) ? [#CineFan] ALIEN (Original Version) and ALIENS (Extended Version)
如果說,沒有基格,就沒有《#異形》和《異形續集》,相信列尼史葛及占士金馬倫亦無異議。這隻恐怖猙獰的外星生物,正是源出視覺藝術大師基格的《死靈之書》,其糅合恐懼焦慮與暗黑美學的畫像,令兩大名導皆俯首稱臣。兩部佳作同屬影史上最令人膽戰心驚的科幻恐怖片之列,開創了外星怪物類型片先河。是次放映的《異形》(原裝版)還原列尼史葛被迫為導演版而刪的一分鐘,重現基格設計的原貌;而《異形續集》(加長版)亦是占士金馬倫與薛歌妮韋花皆更喜愛的版本。 《異形》(原裝版):http://cinefan.com.hk/zh-hant/movie/alienoriginal-version/ 《異形續集》(加長版):http://cinefan.com.hk/zh-hant/movie/aliensextended-version/
Without #Giger, there would be no #Alien on earth. So, should he be thanked, or be blamed? Ridley Scott and James Cameron would undoubtedly give their nod to him. The most terrifying “xenomorph” creature in film history is inspired by Giger’s most famous book, Necronomicon, which mixes gothic decay with serpentine futurism. With this visual inspiration, Scott and Cameron have effectively launched a new horror and sci-fi genre. Cinephiles have the opportunity to revisit ALIEN (Original Version) that retains Scott’s and Giger’s authentic vision, and also ALIENS (Extended Version) which Cameron and Sigourney Weaver most prefer. ALIEN (Original Version): http://cinefan.com.hk/movie/alienoriginal-version/ ALIENS (Extended Version): http://cinefan.com.hk/movie/aliensextended-version/
Hong Kong International Film Festival