?【#電影節發燒友】蘇俄革命一百年:《十月》、《兵工廠》 ?? [#CineFan] Russian Revolution: OCTOBER and ARSENAL
歷史在重演,百年影事今朝看,是回顧過去,更是反思現在。愛森斯坦與阿歷山大羅夫受蘇聯官方委託拍攝《#十月》,紀念這場劃時代革命,以宏大視野重現「革命真容」,並乘機展示知性蒙太奇魔法,將操控觀眾情緒的剪接特色發揮得淋漓盡致,被譽為人一生起碼要看一次的神級經典電影。杜甫仁科的《#兵工廠》雖名為重現1918年烏克蘭基輔兵工廠起義的宣傳電影,但暗地揭露革命的報復性質,從而質疑暴力革命的意義,膽色非凡,識見更是超越了時代。 《十月》:http://cinefan.com.hk/zh-hant/movie/october/ 《兵工廠》:http://cinefan.com.hk/zh-hant/movie/arsenal/
“Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” Films made by an early generation of Soviet filmmakers remind us that the past is the present, and it’s the future too. Eisenstein and Aleksandrov’s vision of the #OctoberRevolution, including the storming of the Winter Palace, has become the historical materials of subsequent generations, with its unique combination of innovative techniques and powerful political stories. Dovzhenko’s #ARSENAL raised a true story from propaganda to an avant-garde masterwork, expressing his doubts about the revolution from the perspective of Ukraine, which resonates with contemporary politics.
ARSENAL: http://cinefan.com.hk/movie/arsenal/
Hong Kong International Film Festival