?【#電影節發燒友】十年再見 楊德昌 今年是 #楊德昌 逝世十周年,電影節剛舉辦了其回顧展,成為影迷盛事。錯過了?幸好尚有機會。Cine Fan 特別舉辦電影課程,讓影迷重溫佳作之餘,兼可聽資深影評人及學者深入分析楊導的獨特電影語言。課程涵蓋全七部作品:《#青梅竹馬》與《#牯嶺街少年殺人事件》的修復版、《#恐怖份子》原裝菲林版、《#海灘的一天》、《#獨立時代》、《#麻將》及《#一一》。七堂放映+講座的套票優惠到5月25日止,快快到城市售票網購買,仲可獲贈《十年再見 楊德昌》特刊乙本。
?【#CineFan】Edward Yang, 10-year Commemoration Missed the HKIFF special programme of "#EdwardYang, 10-year Commemoration"? You'll have a second chance! Cine Fan will organize a film course on the late director's works, consisting of 7 sessions with screenings and lectures held by professional film critics and scholars. A rare opportunity to revisit all of his seven feature films, including the newly restored classics #TaipeiStory and #ABrighterSummerDay, and the original 35mm version of #TheTerrorizers. The package discount is only available till 25 May at URBTIX. Act now and get a free copy of Edward Yang, 10-year Commemoration!
Hong Kong International Film Festival