?【#電影節發燒友】十年再見 #楊德昌:《#恐怖份子》 現代世界,每個人都可以是恐怖份子,楊德昌三十年前已預視了當今社會的危機四伏。清晨槍殺事件,涉案少女脫逃巧遇路過拍照的富家子,一通惡作劇電話無意間戮破作家周郁芬夫婦間虛假的幸福,導致丈夫自殺,悲劇收場。影片當年榮獲金馬獎最佳劇情片獎,7 月22日放映35mm原裝版本,並由影評人朗天主持講座,解構楊導如何以精妙結構及冷峻目光,探問虛構與真實,寫照台北的集體壓抑與暴力流竄。 ? 同日7pm - 11pm於放映場地香港科學館設有電影節書刊特賣場,睇戲買書,雙重享受。
?【#CineFan】#EdwardYang: THE TERRORIZERS
What Yang himself called a “puzzle,” #TheTerrorizers offers no easy way out. Escaped from a police bust, a young delinquent making prank phone calls ends up colliding with the lives of an alienated couple and resulting in terrible consequences. The coincidental interactions between three groups of people are glimpsed in inconclusive bites, reflecting Yang’s vision of a newly emerging Taiwan, obscured by duplicity, lostness, and poisoned serendipity.
? On its screening on 22 Jul, HKIFF publications are available for sales at the HK Science Museum from 7pm - 11pm.
Hong Kong International Film Festival