?【#電影節發燒友】《秋日和》、《六個尋找愛情的角色》 ?[#CineFan] LATE AUTUMN and WHO KNOWS? 一東一西,南北兩極。#原節子 與 #JeanneBalibar,一個是忠貞堅忍的母親,寧願孤獨面對餘生;一個是我行我素的演員,尋找愛情一往無前。#小津安二郎 與 #積葵利維特,一個凝練靜觀、參透禪意;一個遊戲人間、暗藏虛實。《秋日和》與《六個尋找愛情的角色》,一部哀而不傷、幽默浪漫;一部峰迴路轉、真假難分。難以取捨?12月17日,便可一箭雙雕。 12月10日的映後談,影評人李焯桃談到《六個尋找愛情的角色》是利維特最後階段的高峯之作,繼續將世界看作舞台,寓意藝術、感情和人生的戲劇性。有別於以往暗黑世界觀,影片罕有以圓滿結局喜劇收場,令人驚喜。 ?《秋日和》:http://bit.ly/2hVaVhs ?《六個尋找愛情的角色》:http://bit.ly/2iM9VfV
East vs West: #HaraSetsuko’s a devoted widow scarifying for her daughter’s happiness, while #JeanneBalibar’s a liberal actress boldly searching for her love; #OzuYasujiro’s signature is contemplative pacing and elliptical storytelling; while Jacques #Rivette’s noted for his improvisation, reflexivity, and loose narratives. Watch both LATE AUTUMN and WHO KNOWS? on 17 Dec, and you’ll catch two birds in one go. In the post-screening talk on 10 Dec, critic Li Cheuk-to said Rivette reconfirmed his masterful cinema in this work from his late period, which is one of his most radiantly amusing tales about the reality of theatre, and the theatricality of real life. Unlike the pessimistic worldview in his previous works, WHO KNOWS? dives into farce and a happy ending, more enjoyable than ever. ?LATE AUTUMN: http://bit.ly/2zXiw67 ?WHO KNOWS?: http://bit.ly/2zMwZPe
Hong Kong International Film Festival