?【#電影節發燒友】#三船敏郎:《手車伕之戀》、《天國與地獄》 由明治時期到六十年代,由粗豪魯莽的手車伕到白手興家的富商,三船敏郎演繹南轅北轍的角色皆絲絲入扣,令人又愛又恨。在威尼斯影展最佳電影金獅獎得主、稻垣浩執導的《手車伕之戀》,他惹是生非卻又見義勇為,為照顧大臣弧寡而甘願自我犧牲;在黑澤明的《天國與地獄》,他因司機兒子誤遭綁架,良知備受考驗,最後成了英雄卻毀了事業,更成了後來《贖金風暴》米路吉遜的藍本,影響無遠弗屆。
《手車伕之戀》:http://cinefan.com.hk/zh-hant/movie/the-rickshaw-man/ 《天國與地獄》:http://cinefan.com.hk/zh-hant/movie/high-and-low/
?【#CineFan】#MifuneToshiro: THE RICKSHAW MAN and HIGH AND LOW No matter whether he is a poor rickshaw man in the Meiji era, or a rich tycoon in the sixties, Mifune Toshiro has always been able to transform his role into astonishing character with fine sensibilities and compassion. He portrayed the untamed yet loyal RICKSHAW MAN in such a nuanced manner that evokes our strongest empathy; while in Kurosawa Akira's HIGH AND LOW, we share his struggle from rage of ambition to truthful humanity in a ransom dilemma. His magnificent performance in this film has inspired Mel Gibson in RANSOM.
THE RICKSHAW MAN: http://cinefan.com.hk/movie/the-rickshaw-man/ HIGH AND LOW: http://cinefan.com.hk/movie/high-and-low/
Hong Kong International Film Festival