?【#電影節發燒友】#三船敏郎:《#大刺客》、《#大菩薩嶺》、《#赤鬍子》 黑澤明讚揚三船敏郎的演技是日本第一人,眼睛鬍子都會演戲,單是浪人和武士,詮釋皆各有不同,掌握得精準細緻:在《大刺客》是背負鬱結的悲劇武士;在《大菩薩嶺》是神乎其技的劍術大師;在《赤鬍子》則變身俠骨仁心的醫師。三船剛柔並重,將傳統武士俠客形象昇華至另一層次,出落自成一格,更在最後一次與黑澤明合作的《赤鬍子》,再度榮登威尼斯影帝寶座。
《大刺客》:http://cinefan.com.hk/zh-hant/movie/samurai-assassin/ 《大菩薩嶺》:http://cinefan.com.hk/zh-hant/movie/the-sword-of-doom/ 《赤鬍子》:http://cinefan.com.hk/zh-hant/movie/red-beard/
?【#CineFan】Mifune Toshiro: SAMURAI ASSASSIN, THE SWORD OF DOOM and RED BEARD He is a roguish ronin obsessed with proving his worth and ability in SAMURAI ASSASSIN; he is a noble samurai teacher who despises the evil sword in THE SWORD OF DOOM; he is also an autocratic yet selfless doctor serving the poor in RED BEARD. In each role, #MifuneToshiro unleashed himself with brutal spontaneity resembling a force of nature, giving each character remarkable distinctiveness. His magnificent performance as RED BEARD won him his second Best Actor Award at the Venice Film Festival.
Hong Kong International Film Festival