?【#電影節發燒友】#三船敏郎 回顧展:《宮本武藏》 三船敏郎豪邁瀟灑的俠客形象獨步天下,逝世廿年後,去年獲追頒荷里活大道名人之星。Cine Fan特別精選三船七部經典,涵蓋他演藝生涯的遼闊光譜,讓影迷重溫其千變萬化的角色,包括《手車伕之戀》飾演魯莽義氣車伕、《天國與地獄》變身深陷矛盾的富商、《赤鬍子》昇華為妙手仁醫。當然少不了榮獲奧斯卡最佳外語片的《宮本武藏》,在稻垣浩導筒下看三船精煉演繹狂放不羈的年輕武藏,如何蛻變成日本「劍聖」的傳奇。
?【#CineFan】#MifuneToshiro Retrospective - SAMURAI I: MUSASHI MIYAMOTO Who can best epitomize samurai? Mifune Toshiro can rightfully take the honor. Renowned for his masculine portrayals of powerful warlords, Mifune has impressed world audiences as a galvanic performer. Cine Fan is pleased to present his retrospective, showcasing his majestic screen persona in seven classics, including a boisterous rogue in THE RICKSHAW MAN and a tormented tycoon in HIGH AND LOW. Turning from an impetuous warrior into the greatest samurai of Japan, Mifune's performance in SAMURAI I: MUSASHI MIYAMOTO is undoubtedly one of his most emblematic roles, and it helped the film to garner the Best Foreign Language Film award at the Oscars.
SAMURAI I: MUSASHI MIYAMOTO: http://cinefan.com.hk/movie/samurai-imusashi-miyamoto/
Hong Kong International Film Festival