?【#電影節發燒友】#布烈遜 修復經典:《慕雪德》、《驢子巴特薩》 慕雪德與巴特薩,同樣是受壓逼的無辜生靈,見證塵世各種苦難與折磨,分別只在一是名少女,一是頭驢子。殘酷的人倫隨着驢子巴特薩的經歷徐徐揭示,其不幸與傷悲與牠身邊的人和事融會無間。驢子換上受盡欺凌的村女慕雪德,以寬宏大量化解人間悲苦,甚至自我犧牲。布烈遜以一人一驢,在喜怒不形於色之間,透出種種弦外之音,作出對無情不義的控訴。5 月21日可連看兩部修復姊妺作,對照之下更見大師將悲劇昇華的真章。
《慕雪德》:http://cinefan.com.hk/zh-hant/movie/mouchette/ 《驢子巴特薩》:http://cinefan.com.hk/zh-hant/movie/au-hasard-balthazar/
?【#CineFan】#RobertBresson: MOUCHETTE and AU HASARD BALTHAZAR Mouchette and Balthazar, a girl and a donkey, share the bleakest life of all Bresson's tragedies. In AU HASARD BALTHAZAR, a humble donkey witnesses all the bitterness and torment on earth; while in MOUCHETTE a young village girl replaces it in facing all her sufferings and social duties without complaints. In these astonishing minimalist stories, both human and animal become parables of redemption shot through with Bressonian doubt and beauty. Watch these restored classics in one go on 21 May, and see how sadness can be transcended into the most solacing.
Filmmakers' Recommendations:
MOUCHETTE: http://cinefan.com.hk/movie/mouchette/ AU HASARD BALTHAZAR: http://cinefan.com.hk/movie/au-hasard-balthazar/
Hong Kong International Film Festival