?【#電影節發燒友】#布烈遜:《武士蘭西諾》、《心魔》 中古世紀的武士與七十年代的巴黎學生有何共通之處?在布烈遜的悲觀冷眼中,兩人都是一步步走向自毀。《武士蘭西諾》主角為阿瑟王尋找聖杯不果卻愛上了皇后,最後在武林大會戰死沙場。來到《心魔》,殺戮戰場變成殘酷社會,年輕人對世界徹底失望,買兇射殺自己。《心魔》在法國曾被禁公映達17年,40年後的今天難得重現銀幕,一切竟又似曾相識。證明魔鬼作祟永不過時,古今中外武士凡人皆難以倖免。
《武士蘭西諾》:http://cinefan.com.hk/zh-hant/movie/lancelot-of-the-lake/ 《心魔》:http://cinefan.com.hk/zh-hant/movie/the-devil-probably/
?【#CineFan】#RobertBresson: LANCELOT OF THE LAKE and THE DEVIL, PROBABLY Myth or reality, in the Middle Ages or the seventies, the swirling worlds of grime and death continue to haunt the tormented souls - no matter it is the LANCELOT OF THE LAKE who leaves his quests for banal romance and honor in ruins, or the Parisian student who rejects a corrupt capitalistic world and has to buy his own death in THE DEVIL, PROBABLY, one of Bresson's most rarely-screened films which has been banned from public viewing for 17 years in France. Both films demand questions of political and moral action of this era that remains powerful and pressing to this day.
Filmmakers' Recommendations:
LANCELOT OF THE LAKE: http://cinefan.com.hk/movie/lancelot-of-the-lake/ THE DEVIL, PROBABLY: http://cinefan.com.hk/movie/the-devil-probably/
Hong Kong International Film Festival