?【#電影節發燒友】另類原節子:黑澤明的《#白痴》 ?? The Other Side of Hara Setsuko: Kurosawa Akira’s THE IDIOT
「#原節子 擅長的戲路非常明確,像 #黑澤明 那樣找她合作,無法展現她的優點。」小津顯然不滿意黑澤明在《白痴》一片裡讓他恬淡的女兒飾演一名蕩婦的角色。然而,正是在《白痴》裡,我們可以欣賞到原節子不一樣的神采。破格演繹周旋於男人之間的妖艷女子,與被視為白痴的單純好人森雅之及因妒成恨的剛烈復員兵 #三船敏郎 愛恨糾纏,細膩演繹杜斯妥也夫斯基刻劃的人性欲望。11月11日那場《#安城家的舞會》設映後座談會,影評人鄭傳鍏和小敏為你娓娓道來原節子的演技和傳奇。 《白痴》:http://cinefan.com.hk/zh-hant/movie/the-idiot/
In a role unlike any other in her career, #HaraSetsuko plays a tempestuous, sexy woman in #KurosawaAkira’s adaptation of Dostoevsky’s THE IDIOT, a far cry from the serenely smiling daughters in Ozu’s films. Acting as a kept woman who refuses to be ashamed of her past and mocks her various frivolous suitors, Hara shows the flip-side of her usual reticence. While Ozu is unlikely to endorse it, this assertive, proto-feminist role helps us understand Hara’s different qualities, and why she was so revered in Japan and around the world.
Hong Kong International Film Festival