?【#電影節發燒友】驚慄經典:《#七宗罪》 ?[#CineFan] Thriller Classic: #SE7EN
金像影后桂莉芙柏德露去年萬聖節以紙箱笠頭,新歡則穿着橙色囚衣扮變態狂魔,重演《#七宗罪》的經典角色,合照在社交媒體瘋傳,令電影再度成為潮流熱話。大衛芬查精心設計出如同但丁地獄的罪惡之城,七罪七罰環環緊扣,觀眾跟隨老差骨摩根費曼與新紮師兄畢比特一同陷入貓捉老鼠,老鼠捉貓的迷陣。「神秘的箱子」製造極致懸念,任潛意識的恐懼肆意張狂,早已成為經典。 ? 購票詳情:http://cinefan.com.hk/zh-hant/movie/se7en/
With a photo of herself inside of a bathtub with a cardboard box over her head, #GwynethPaltrow's twisted Halloween costume on social media must have prompted many to revisit SE7EN. In #DavidFincher’s classic thriller, the Oscar Best Actress plays the wife of young detective (#BradPitt), who partners with a soon-to-retire veteran (#MorganFreeman) in a desperate effort to stop an ingenious serial killer. The “What’s in the Box” ending has become one of the most iconic suspenses in cinema history. ? Ticketing info: http://cinefan.com.hk/movie/se7en/
Photo credit: Instagram @gwynethpaltrow
Hong Kong International Film Festival