?【#電影節發燒友】荷索:《卡斯柏侯沙之謎》、《玻璃晶靈》 ?[#CineFan] Herzog: THE ENIGMA OF KASPAR HAUSER and HEART OF GLASS 是真亦似幻,是幻亦如真。曾患精神病的布魯諾在《卡斯柏侯沙之謎》本色演繹野人,在文明世界保持單純初心,只落得成為馬戲團的搖錢樹、貴族炫耀的工具,死後遺體更被當作外星人解剖研究;《玻璃晶靈》全體演員被施以催眠術,如同夢遊般呈現工廠主人與村民的瘋狂,為尋找製造紅寶石玻璃的秘方歇斯底里,最後招致滅亡。純真對貪婪、現實對虛構,荷索一正一反的末世寓言,同時承載着人性的無知與荒謬,展現對文明的嘲諷與揶揄。 ? 《卡斯柏侯沙之謎》:http://bit.ly/2DCHlWP ?《玻璃晶靈》:http://bit.ly/2BoGRP6
It’s fantasy in reality, or reality in fantasy? In THE ENIGMA OF KASPAR HAUSER, one of #WernerHerzog’s most fascinating films, Bruno S., once a mental patient, perfectly fits into the role of a “wildman” that the society wishes to civilize. It’s a bizarre but real story that gives a dreamlike meditation on the nature of civilization. Whereas in HEART OF GLASS, most of the actors are hypnotized to reflect the deliriousness of those who try to recover the lost secret to producing the ruby glass, giving a grim vision of hopelessness in a world sinking into self-destruction. ? THE ENIGMA OF KASPAR HAUSER: http://bit.ly/2nagLua ? HEART OF GLASS: http://bit.ly/2GaHL5c
Hong Kong International Film Festival