?【#電影節發燒友】安東尼奧尼:《#情隔萬重山》、《#赤色沙漠》 ?[#CineFan] Antonioni: L’ECLISSE and RED DESERT
無論是黑白冷調的名利場,還是色彩絢燦的工業荒漠,心有所思的女子在丈夫、情人、財富間來來去去,最終統統與她毫不相干。問她愛或不愛,她只能答「我不知道」。蒙妮卡維蒂和阿倫狄龍、李察夏利斯俊美的臉龐、微妙的身體語言,展示美麗與殘酷的複合面相,令人不容忽視卻又不忍正視。1月7日《情隔萬重山》設映後座談會,影評人張偉雄及馮嘉琪為你解構 #安東尼奧尼 精密的空間建築與人間風景。 ?《情隔萬重山》:http://cinefan.com.hk/zh-hant/movie/leclisse/ ?《赤色沙漠》:http://cinefan.com.hk/zh-hant/movie/red-desert/
Amidst the covetous Rome Stock Exchange of L’ECLISSE, and the corrupted industrial town of RED DESERT in its deepest colors, the unparalleled #MichelangeloAntonioni guides us into his landscapes of loss and crisis. It’s the same alien world to her – #MonicaVitti, a lonely woman who extricates herself from one relationship, only to fall into another that heads for nowhere. When one finds it hard to keep up with modern civilization’s rapid social evolution, will the attempt to find true love be futile? ? #LEclisse: http://cinefan.com.hk/movie/leclisse/ ? #RedDesert: http://cinefan.com.hk/movie/red-desert/
Hong Kong International Film Festival