?【#電影節發燒友】安東尼奧尼:《春光乍洩》、《女人女人》 ?[#CineFan] Antonioni: BLOW-UP and IDENTIFICATION OF A WOMAN
若以女子來形容 #安東尼奧尼 的電影,《#春光乍洩》是豔露凝香的絕色美女,廣為人識,眾生仰慕 — 攝影師與神秘女郎的誘惑遊戲,集虛實、變幻、人性和信念的脆弱於一身,盛年之作達致創意巔峰,輕取康城影展金棕櫚獎;《#女人女人》則是風韻猶饒的貴婦,氣度優雅,舉止雍容 — 名導演欲尋新繆斯,愛情既是不可觸摸亦是棄之可惜,暮年之作彷彿有意重返「情感三部曲」的課題,跟過去的自己來一記深情對話。1月21日設映後談,講者劉嶔。 ? 《春光乍洩》:http://bit.ly/2FnydTU ? 《女人女人》:http://bit.ly/2qPJ4D4
BLOW-UP is like a seductive and bewitching lady, in which we see #Antonioni at his peak. It challenges us with shifting layers of vision, music and meaning in a swinging world of sex, beauty, drugs and parties, scooping a Palme d’Or at Cannes as well as box office success. Whereas IDENTIFICATION OF A WOMAN is like an elegant and charming dame, in which the master posts his final existential quest through a body- and soul-baring voyage into one man's artistic and erotic consciousness. ? #BlowUp: http://bit.ly/2DeOF8I ? #IdentificationOfAWoman: http://bit.ly/2DgQwJZ
? Images courtesy of Park Circus/Warner Bros.
Hong Kong International Film Festival