【#CineFan】珍甘比茵去年出席康城影展的《迷湖劫:中國女》首映禮,還與歷屆金棕櫚獎得獎導演拍攝大合照,而她是照片中唯一一位女性?——導演本人反應:Oh my God! What is going on???♀️ 除了女性議題,甘比茵在這篇訪問亦大談她拍攝《鋼琴別戀》和其他作品的經歷。這個週末,Cine Fan將放映她的近作《迷湖劫:中國女》。?️詳情:cinefan.com.hk
? Jane Campion joined all the male Palme d’Or-winners on stage at Cannes last year, and she was the lone woman. In this recent interview, Campion shares her thoughts on the challenges faced by female directors and how her films resonate with her personal experiences. This weekend, Cine Fan will show TOP OF THE LAKE: CHINA GIRL which has many themes hatched in THE PIANO, said the director. ?️More info: cinefan.com.hk
Hong Kong International Film Festival