【#CineFan】英瑪褒曼:《羞恥》、《婚姻暗流》 Bergman: SHAME and SCENES FROM A MARRIAGE
?相愛相親只是一瞬,相怨相憎卻是一世。作為褒曼的繆思、拍檔與情人,#莉芙烏曼 自當體會更深。外面漫天烽火,夫婦內戰在家迸發:出賣自己、背叛彼此,在羞恥中同坐一船苟且偷生;來到安逸盛世,表面模範夫妻的暗湧更暴現:怨恨、叱罵、打鬥……抑壓十年的愛恨交纏失控爆發。烏曼在《#羞恥》及《#婚姻暗流》(五小時電視足本)表現感情轇轕的愛與痛,直入心脾。
?“We make each other alive; it doesn't make a difference if it hurts.” #IngmarBergman sees all relations are based on a heap of wretched compromises. As his muse, working partner and lover, #LivUllmann knows too well the joys and pains of a complex relationship – marital harmony is nothing more than a disguise of hate, betrayal and infidelity, no matter during wartime chaos (SHAME), or modern day comfort (SCENES FROM A MARRIAGE).
?️In the seminar held on 10 June, critics Long Tin and Geoffrey Wong analyzed Bergman’s films from a unique perspective: “While his psychological dramas seem to reflect his oedipus complex, his deep-down desire may as well be the opposite – the solemn meditation of God’s silence could be interpreted as a profound search for fatherly love and recognition.”
???? 購票詳情 Get your tix here ?️ 《羞恥》#Shame: https://bit.ly/2LGSsyi ?️ 《婚姻暗流》#ScenesfromaMarriage (1-3): https://bit.ly/2MfcK3j ?️ 《婚姻暗流》Scenes from a Marriage (4-6): https://bit.ly/2JwWi0E
Hong Kong International Film Festival