【#CineFan】英瑪褒曼「信與誠」百年紀念專輯 Ingmar Bergman, Faith and Faithfulness
?#英瑪褒曼 是不少大師心中的大師,今年正值其誕生百年紀念,Cine Fan 特別籌辦回顧展,讓影迷重溫永恆經典。六、七月先選映8部佳作,包括兩部被譽為完美之作的《#第七封印》及《#野草莓》、榮獲奧斯卡最佳外語片的《#處女之泉》、罕有於銀幕放映五小時電視足本的《#婚姻暗流》、在港首度曝光的《#面對面》足本、褒曼最浪漫輕盈的歌劇電影《#魔笛》等。還有瑪嘉烈特馮佐妲為紀念大師而拍的全新紀錄片《#尋找英瑪褒曼》,新鮮熱辣在康城首映,免費入場,萬勿錯過! ?️ 節目詳情:https://bit.ly/2G3uc6e
?On #IngmarBergman’s centenary, Cine Fan launches a retrospective in honor of the cinematic genius, who has brought a new level of psychological depth to cinematic arts. Our Jun/Jul programme features two of his most acclaimed and influential works, THE SEVENTH SEAL and WILD STRAWBERRIES; accompanied by THE VIRGIN SPRING, winner of Oscar Best Foreign Language Film; the 5-hour full TV version of SCENES FROM A MARRIAGE; complete version of FACE TO FACE, shown for the first time in Hong Kong; and THE MAGIC FLUTE, one of Bergman’s most graceful and lighthearted opera films. Plus the documentary SEARCHING FOR INGMAR BERGMAN by Margarethe von Trotta, hot from Cannes and free admission. Don’t miss this rare opportunity! ?️ More info: https://bit.ly/2G0Dosp
Hong Kong International Film Festival