【#CineFan】英瑪褒曼:《第七封印》、《面對面》 Bergman: THE SEVENTH SEAL and FACE TO FACE
「電影是夢,是音樂。沒藝術能有如電影般超越意識,直達感覺,潛進靈魂的黑暗密室。」對死亡的恐懼、對上帝的質疑、對感情的愛恨糾纏……數之不盡的心魔伺機突襲,#英瑪褒曼 一生以光影對峙,讓麥士馮西度的騎士挑戰死神,莉芙烏曼的心理分析師與夢魘和幻覺搏鬥,透過電影幻象的靈光,照亮潛藏的惶惑與焦慮。 "Film as dream, film as music. No art passes our conscience in the way film does, and goes directly to our feelings, deep down into the dark rooms of our souls." Through the tales of a knight confronting existential despair, and a psychiatrist face to face with the perfect stranger in herself, #Bergman mastered the negative forces and harnessed them to his chariot, exorcising his innumerable demons that create panic and terror.
?️《第七封印》THE SEVENTH SEAL: https://bit.ly/2svSx0F ?️《面對面》FACE TO FACE: https://bit.ly/2Kdw17M
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Hong Kong International Film Festival