【#CineFan】英瑪褒曼:《處女之泉》、《狼的時刻》 Bergman: THE VIRGIN SPRING and HOUR OF THE WOLF
對於受《#羅生門》啟發的《#處女之泉》,英瑪褒曼雖謙稱是「對黑澤明作品的拙劣模仿」,但電影對暴力、謊言及人性的叩問,堪與《羅生門》並駕齊驅,對宗教的深刻反思,更是褒曼獨樹一幟的哲學,榮獲奧斯卡最佳外語片。對於藝術家的永恆孤寂,褒曼自有深刻體會,在《#狼的時刻》透過畫家徹夜難眠,經歷思憶折騰與群魔纏繞,將自身的童年夢魘與魑魅心魔赤裸呈現。✨??♂️6 月10日設座談會,由影評人朗天及王勛主講,剖析大師在藝術與人生的彷徨與掙扎。
Bergman called it “a lousy imitation of Kurosawa,” yet the #RASHOMON-inspired THE VIRGIN SPRING, winner of Oscar Best Foreign Language Film, is hailed as a masterpiece for its profound exploration of violence, deception and humanity on par with the Japanese classic, and the uniqueness in Bergman’s autographic contemplation of God’s cruel whims. An austere filmmaker who knows too well the solitude and alienation of being an artist, Bergman immerses his own experiences of struggle and ghastly childhood memories in HOUR OF THE WOLF, where the sleepless painter is haunted by his deepest fear of annihilation.
?️ 《處女之泉》#TheVirginSpring: https://bit.ly/2LnunfX ?️ 《狼的時刻》#HourofThe Wolf: https://bit.ly/2HoMqA8
Hong Kong International Film Festival