【#CineFan】甜姐兒vs高貴淑女 Sweetie vs Lady
甜姐兒與高貴淑女,在 #珍甘比茵 的鏡頭下,又豈是一般尋常女子?情緒不穩的女兒被縱容恣肆,搞到家無寧日,家人既愛且恨,不過原來半瘋小孩存活於每個人心底。#妮歌潔曼 演繹亨利詹姆斯筆下的紐約淑女,一心追求自由與理想愛情,到頭來卻是一個華麗蒼涼最後不免陰森的女性主義故事。甘比茵的不拘一格,在首部劇情長片《#甜姐兒》已一鳴驚人,入圍康城影展競賽單元,七年後在《#淑女本色》更大放異彩。✨4月14日《甜姐兒》映後座談會,影評人喬奕思及李焯桃為你細訴揚眉女子的獨特觸覺。
She is her father’s sweetie, but in #JaneCampion’s beautifully strange and compelling feature debut, this vulnerable and unreasonable girl has become a symbol of subversion. #NicoleKidman shines as the young American lady who urges for freedom in Henry James’ classic novel, but in Campion’s dark and mysterious interpretation, this beloved and tragic character is doomed by her own idealism. From girlhood in SWEETIE to womanhood in THE PORTRAIT OF A LADY, the female characters never fail to charm the audience in the authentic feminist’s unique cinematic language.
?️《甜姐兒》#Sweetie: http://cinefan.com.hk/movie/sweetie/ ?️《淑女本色》#ThePortraitOfALady: http://cinefan.com.hk/movie/the-portrait-of-a-lady/
Hong Kong International Film Festival