【#CineFan #SummerIFF – 信仰與救贖 Faith and Salvation】
?《少年的祈禱》、《牧師的最後誘惑》、《教宗知行錄》 ✝️上帝是否存在?安東尼巴尚演的吸毒少年上了祈禱的癮,能否得救未可知,柏林影帝寶座早已袋袋平安;伊芬鶴健演的牧師飽受靈魂折磨,以激烈方式尋求救贖,直衝威尼斯影展;最後還看教宗方濟各,在大師雲溫達斯鏡頭下直接與神和人對話,以聖言跨越人間信仰,感召眾生。
?THE PRAYER, FIRST REFORMED and POPE FRANCIS – A MAN OF HIS WORD ✝️Does God exist? To a drug addict who transforms into an atoning altar boy, or a disturbed pastor who resolves for a savage redemption, yes or no may be all too simple; for a possible answer, look to Pope Francis under Wim Wenders’ candid camera – watching him speak to those in need, you may find the only message of hope and peace on earth.
?️節目詳情及購票 Programme details & Ticketing: http://cinefan.com.hk/zh-hant/
Hong Kong International Film Festival