【#CineFan】利維特,驚喜不絕! Jacques Rivette, Surprises Never End!
積葵利維特,每每在出奇不意之處,令人驚艷,即使已去世兩年,仍然驚喜不絕!電影節放映的《利維特短片習作》,三部無聲黑白短片在他逝世後曝光,十六米厘「反轉片」影像,在敘事與場面調度上大膽嘗試;同場放映首部有聲短片《棋高一着》,盡現大師的實驗精神。影癡最愛的《不羈的美女》,四小時足本的新修復版更攝人心魄。接續於Cine Fan 五月上映的《不羈的美女:嬉戲曲》,將前作的畫面、剪接、調度重新編排,前後對照,更見脫胎換骨。還有《勾魂十三:幽靈》,重新架構四小時的版本,繼續探索故事的建構與再生,令人拍案叫絕。
Always mysterious and unpredictable, Jacques Rivette’s magic didn’t stop even after he’s gone. JACQUES RIVETTE: PRACTICE FILMS includes his first three short films, all silent and filmed on 16mm reversal films, resurfaced after his passing and are now digitally restored. Together with his first short film with sound, LE COUP DU BERGER, he’s already shown the unlimited possibilities of cinematographic work. A rare opportunity to compare the newly restored LA BELLE NOISEUSE, and its playful doppelganger, LA BELLE NOISEUSE: DIVERTIMENTO, to be screened in Cine Fan in May. Continued with OUT 1: SPECTRE, Rivette pushed the boundaries of truth even further, bringing a brand new dimension to creativity and imagination.
?放映及購票資訊 Schedule & Ticketing http://cinefan.com.hk/period/2018/apr-may-2108/
Hong Kong International Film Festival