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【#CineFan 會員福利】 ?《褒曼—生命的巓峰》免費放映, 會員優先登記! Free Screening of BERGMAN - A YEAR IN A LIFE, members can pre-register NOW! ? . 《#第七封印》、《#野草莓》的神壇下,#英瑪褒曼 是怎樣的一個人??是控制狂,會因乳酪被拿走而大發脾氣?是妄想者,將哥哥孩提時受的體罰當作自身回憶?是情場浪子,連有多少個孩子亦記不清,卻是莉芙烏曼口中畢生所見最好的男人?看為紀念大師百年冥誕而拍攝的康城新作,可重新認識其光影人生真實一面。 . 《褒曼—生命的巓峰》將於十月七日作免費放映。Cine Fan會員可優先於網上登記??,而餘下的門票將於開場前30分鐘於現場免費派發。每人限取門票乙張,先到先得,送完即止!?? . ?現已接受登記,把握機會了解這位瑞典電影大師! 網上登記:https://bit.ly/2R4R0JA . Who is Ingmar Bergman ?, behind the legendary THE SEVENTH SEAL and WILD STRAWBERRIES? A neurotic who appropriated the childhood abuse heaped upon his brother to embellish his own mythology? Or "the best person I’d ever met” according to Liv Ullmann? This penetrating documentary at Cannes this year gives one of the most honest portraits of the cinematic genius. . Free Screening of BERGMAN - A YEAR IN A LIFE will be held on 7 Oct. Cine Fan members can register online in advance ??. The remaining tickets are available to the public 30 minutes before the screening on-the-spot. Each person is limited to 1 ticket. First-come first-served while stock lasts! ?? . ?REGISTER NOW! Take the chance to know more about Ingmar Bergman, the legendary Swedish filmmaker!
Online registration: https://bit.ly/2R4R0JA . 《褒曼—生命的巓峰》 BERGMAN - A YEAR IN A LIFE (7/10): https://bit.ly/2OpEOoB . ?節目詳情及購票 Programme & Ticketing:


. 【? 即將放映 Upcoming Screenings ?✨】

5/10 | 19:30 | 對鏡猜謎 Through a Glass Darkly: https://bit.ly/2xWOTPv 6/10 | 14:30 | 地獄門 Gate of Hell: https://bit.ly/2N1iTiF 6/10 | 17:00 | 楢山節考(1958) The Ballad of Narayama (1958): https://bit.ly/2xKhiZJ 6/10 | 19:30 | 冬日之光 Winter Light: https://bit.ly/2xItkCL


Cinefan 電影節發燒友: http://cinefan.com.hk/

HKIFF #香港國際電影節: http://www.hkiff.org.hk/

HKIFF43: 18 Mar - 1 Apr 2019

IngmarBergman #IngmarBergmanat100

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