【#CineFan 二月節目】春情金絲貓 CONTEMPT ★★12/02/2017 | 17:30 | #TheGrandCinema ★★ 被譽為高達最完美的作品,《春情金絲貓》一開場,便是片廠裡電影正在進行拍攝,老拍檔攝影大師拉烏古達親自掌鏡更粉墨登場。在他鏡下虛實交織互涉天衣無縫,借弗烈茲朗真身演出的大導,點出片廠制度下電影作者面對的現實與荒謬。眼利的觀眾會發現高達也親身上陣當他的副導演,夫子自道色彩尤其濃烈。拉烏古達去年底辭世,留下光影傳奇,令人懷念。 http://cinefan.com.hk/cms/film/contempt/?lang=zh Regarded as one of Jean-Luc Godard's best works, CONTEMPT is a subversive foray into Hollywood filmmaking and also a self-referential romance tragedy about his own crumbling marriage with Anna Karina. With the radiant #BrigitteBardot and the gorgeous camerawork of his long-time cinematographer Raoul Coutard, the film destroys the line that separates film from reality, and slaps in the face of commercial filmmaking with tame nudity. Died in last November, Coutard's images of perfection and his twinkling appearance in CONTEMPT will be missed by many. Watch out for Godard's own cameo as the assistant director to Fritz Lang, who plays himself. http://cinefan.com.hk/cms/film/contempt/ #JeanLucGodard #Godard #LeMépris
Hong Kong International Film Festival