【#CineFan 電影推介】 ? 褒曼的電影美學 Bergman's Aesthetic of Film ? . 9 月2日舉行的 #英瑪褒曼 座談會,影評人劉嶔及馮嘉琪談到「#沉默三部曲」是大師藝術生涯的轉捩點?,與藝術理念一致的攝影師Sven Nykvist開始合作無間,採用室內劇結構,減少角色,以柔和灰調的自然光、流暢的鏡頭運動,締造現代簡約風格的電影美學。 其後的《#哭泣與耳語》及《#秋天奏鳴曲》,盡用幽閉場景的有限空間,以飽和色彩作實驗探索 ?,前者更一舉摘下奧斯卡最佳攝影。? . In the Ingmar Bergman seminar held on 2 Sep, critics Lau Yam and Kiki Fung said the Silence of God Trilogy marked the master’s new focus on a series of impacted ?, emotionally charged chamber dramas with cinematographer Sven Nykvist – employing minimal characters, natural lighting and a restraint style that create a distinctive aesthetic. The subsequent CRIES AND WHISPERS and AUTUMN SONATA see chamber plays at its best in contrasting color palette ?- the former even won an Oscar for the extraordinary color photography. ? . 《哭泣與耳語》CRIES AND WHISPERS: https://bit.ly/2NTROlM 《秋天奏鳴曲》AUTUMN SONATA: https://bit.ly/2pbeMa2 . ?節目詳情及購票 Programme & Ticketing: https://bit.ly/2wvepKW .
Hong Kong International Film Festival