【#Cinefan 電影推介】❤️️愛,有罪? Love is right or wrong? ⚖ . ?⚖️清官難審家庭事,感情問題,法庭能否一錘定音?《#碧姬芭鐸浪漫史》由與希治閣齊名的法國驚慄大師克魯索執導,以情殺案中芭鐸的吶喊,對社會偽善與陳腐作出控訴;殺人有罪,但愛人何罪之有? . 《#克藍瑪對克藍瑪》夫妻離婚對簿公堂爭奪兒子撫養權;若然愛兒,又何苦要稚子站於證人台在父母之間作出抉擇?是與非不是黑白分明,情與愛亦是難定對錯。? . ?⚖️ Who can be the judge to decide whether love is right or wrong? Brigitte Bardot is Dominique, a passionate girl who is charged with murdering her lover of a tumultuous relationship
Dustin Hoffman is Kramer, a workaholic who regains his fatherhood during a custody battle with his divorced wife for his young son. If love is a crime, they may be guilty of first degree.? . 《碧姬芭鐸浪漫史》THE TRUTH (La vérité) (25/9 & 20/10): https://bit.ly/2MTbaD2 《克藍瑪對克藍瑪》KRAMER VS. KRAMER (28/9 & 21/10): https://bit.ly/2NSzSIl . ?節目詳情及購票 Programme & Ticketing: https://bit.ly/2LYNHov .
Hong Kong International Film Festival