? 【#CineFan by #HKIFF 三月節目】 ? #積葵利維特:#四人幫、#聖女貞德 ★★ 5/3 16:45 香港藝術中心 HK Arts Centre ★★ ★★ 4/3 14:00 + 17:00 香港藝術中心 HK Arts Centre ★★
在2月6日的映後談,講者劉偉霖談到有別於 #德萊葉 或 #布烈遜 集中於貞德審訊的版本,利維特更著重拆解史實,逼真呈現百年戰爭的細節,以新角度解讀貞德從平凡脫變成非凡的歷程。3月4日最後一場放映,上下兩集一氣呵成,萬勿錯過。
《四人幫》:http://cinefan.com.hk/cms/film/gang-of-four/?lang=zh 《聖女貞德:征戰篇》: http://cinefan.com.hk/cms/film/joan-the-maid-the-battles/?lang=zh 《聖女貞德:囚室篇》:http://cinefan.com.hk/cms/film/joan-the-maid-the-prisons/?lang=zh
? #JacquesRivette: #GangOfFour and #JoanTheMaid
Four acting students study under the enigmatic theatre master in her much sought after, women-only class. A mysterious man begins to approach each lady under different pretenses. In GANG OF FOUR, #Rivette muses on the dubious interstices between acting and ‘real life’, where the truth may lie in reality or the stage, or in between.
The mysterious JOAN THE MAID is also the muse of Rivette. In this five-hour, two-part epic, the director presents a detailed but abstemious narrative about the life and death of Joan of Arc, from an innocent teenager to a woman defending her spirituality and becoming the vanguard of the French army, till her eventual public execution.
In the post-screening talk on 6 Feb, critic William Lau stated that, unlike the #Dreyer and #Bresson versions which focus on Joan's trial, Rivette takes on a new perspective to create a more realistic and well-rounded portrait, unveiling her legend against the historical significance of her time. Don't miss the final chance to see the two-part epic in one go on 4 Mar!
GANG OF FOUR: http://cinefan.com.hk/cms/film/gang-of-four/ JOAN THE MAID: THE BATTLES: http://cinefan.com.hk/cms/film/joan-the-maid-the-battles/ JOAN THE MAID: THE PRISONS: http://cinefan.com.hk/cms/film/joan-the-maid-the-prisons/
Hong Kong International Film Festival