【#CineFan by #HKIFF 二月節目】 ☎️#希治閣:#3D電話情殺案、#後窗 ? ★★ 26-2-2017. 19:30. The Grand ★★ ★★ 26-2-2017. 21:30. The Grand ★★
希治閣將百老匯舞台劇信手拈來拍成《3D #電話情殺案》,不玩「誰是兇手」競猜遊戲,依然峰迴路轉扣人心弦。片中「完美罪行」觀念影響深遠,當年以立體攝影機拍攝,3D驚慄成一大亮點。如今修復重現,萬勿錯過。
《3D 電話情殺案》:http://cinefan.com.hk/cms/film/dial-m-for-murder-3d/?lang=zh 《後窗》: http://cinefan.com.hk/cms/film/rear-window/?lang=zh
Alfred Hitchcock: #DialMForMurder3D and #RearWindow
Based on a Broadway play, #DialMForMurder 3D is purposefully designed to look like the inside of a theatrical performance. As it's the only film Hitchcock made in 3D, it is intriguing to see how he engaged with the medium to depict a "perfect murder" in this 3D restored version.
In his favorite REAR WINDOW, Hitchcock demonstrates his exquisite skills in indulging our voyeuristic tendencies. Peeping through the binoculars of #JamesStewart, we share his anxiety in witnessing a murder next door while fulfilling our own clandestine desire in intruding into people's privacy.
DIAL M FOR MURDER 3D: http://cinefan.com.hk/cms/film/dial-m-for-murder-3d/ REAR WINDOW: http://cinefan.com.hk/cms/film/rear-window/
Hong Kong International Film Festival