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【#CineFan ? 1/2月節目】從《浮草》看小津複雜的人生觀 ? ❕ 《#浮草》是 #小津安二郎 色彩最華麗的影片,在他創作生涯亦與別不同。 歌舞伎劇團領班與老相好及私生子的感情覊絆,令伴侶因妒成恨;兒子與少女演員激烈戀愛,六次擁吻?;領班以暴力拷問少女,再狠狠掌摑伴侶,復被兒子猛力推倒……


?1月份的《浮草》場次迅速售罄,千萬不要錯過這次最後的觀賞機會! ❕ 【CineFan ? Jan/Feb Programmes】FLOATING WEEDS: Ozu’s unnerving quietness ❕ FLOATING WEEDS offers a unique glimpse into the evolution of Ozu Yasujiro in his most splendid colors. While preserving his elegantly simple plot, it reveals a distinctive style unseen in his other films: physical assaults resulted from a thorny dilemma between the troupe leader and his former lover, illegitimate son and current mistress; passionate kisses between young lovers?… in the end, heartbreak for all.

?The "Floating Weeds" screened to a full house in January, don't miss this last chance! ❕ ?【懷念黃愛玲 In Memory of Wong Ain-ling】 《浮草》 | Floating Weeds | 15/2 | 19:30 ?立即購票 Buy Ticket Now: http://bit.ly/2N0z3Kw

Cinefan #電影節發燒友 : http://cinefan.com.hk/

HKIFF #香港國際電影節 : http://www.hkiff.org.hk/

?節目公布 Full Line-up: 26 Feb 2019 ?正式售票 Ticket Sales: 28 Feb 2019 ?#HKIFF43: 18 Mar - 1 Apr 2019

FloatingWeeds #OzuYasujiro

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