?《#雌雄大盜》、《#渾身是胆》、《#辣手神探奪命鎗》有何相同之處? 這三部電影除了是Cine Fan六、七月節目外,另一共通點就是海報均由著名設計師 #BillGold 設計。???Bill Gold 設計的過人之處,是其勾勒的圖像能一覽概括整部電影的精髓,更自成藝術品,令人一見難忘。他剛於5月20日去世,終年97歲,一生創作了超過2,000張海報,包括《北非諜影》、《發條橙》、《電話情殺案》等,與經典電影一同名留影史。
?What do BONNIE AND CLYDE, DIRTY HARRY, and BULLITT have in common, except that these films are part of our Cine Fan Jun/Jul programmes? ?️Designer Bill Gold is the answer. He has been the man behind the eye-catching posters of these classic films, which remain iconic pieces of artwork today. Passed away on 20 May at the age of 97, Gold has an exceptional ability to encapsulate a whole film in just one image. His other major works include CASABLANCA, A CLOCKWORK ORANGE, DIAL M FOR MURDER.
??️ #CineFan: http://cinefan.com.hk/
Hong Kong International Film Festival