? 每日影訊:#一一 重現 #楊德昌 Check out our Festival Daily on #AOneandaTwo Q&A if you missed it. // 在回答觀眾提問時,鎧立提到楊導對他的作品構思透徹、縝密,每個處理都設計精確,跟他是電機系出身,是工程師這背景非常脗合。戲中大田的一句台詞「我不會變魔術,我只是知道每張牌在哪裏」,恰恰是楊導一個註腳。// // Beginning with a wedding and ending with a funeral, A One and a Two is Yang's statement on life through an ordinary family living in everyday struggles in modern Taiwan. "Edward was a sympathetic storyteller,” Peng explained. “He had many messages to deliver, across a wide spectrum. Each of us may have a different experience watching his films. I think we can just open up our mind, and have a personal engagement with his stories." And by the end of our exploring, we’ll arrive where we started. //
Hong Kong International Film Festival