? 基格的邪思異想 ? The Biomechanical Dreamscapes of HR Giger
《#異形》的魑魅外星生物之所以成為影史上最令人膽戰心驚的不死神話,其生父 #基格 居功至偉。這位瑞士超現實視覺藝術大師的暗黑美學,能潛入靈魂深處,觸及人的原始本性和潛藏恐懼,媲美博斯與培根。除可在他勇奪奧斯卡最佳視覺效果獎的成名作《異形》(原裝版)及《#異形續集》(加長版)中,一睹其打造宇宙最強的猙獰怪物外,影迷更有機會從《造魔者的世界—基格短片集》及《基格的暗黑國度》中欣賞到他的幽魅視覺藝術,追蹤其靈感源頭及魔幻一生。 http://cinefan.com.hk/zh-hant/period/2017-archive-zh-hant/sep-oct-2017-zh-hant/
Alien, the most aggressive and terrifying extraterrestrial creature in film history, owes its success to its creator, Swiss surrealistic artist #HRGiger. His visual style, which mixes gothic decay with serpentine futurism, shares the same power of Bosch and Bacon to provoke and disturb, as it digs down into the human psyche and touches our very deepest primal instincts. Besides his Oscar-winning thriller #ALIEN (Original Version) and #ALIENS (Extended Version), cinephiles have the rare opportunity to find the origin of his inspiration in GIGER’S UNIVERSE, a collection of his short films and documentaries, and peep into his clandestine life and ingenious mind in DARK STAR – HR GIGER’S WORLD. http://cinefan.com.hk/period/2017-archive/sep-oct-2017/
Hong Kong International Film Festival