基阿魯斯達米 經典重溫(二)
2013年Cine Fan曾推出「基阿魯斯達米經典重溫」上集,獲大師千里駕臨。今年七月他病逝了,下集就選映大師個性更為鮮明的創作。打頭陣的《大寫特寫》是上集的補遺,對電影的虛實辯證在前期作品中最為呼之欲出,和後期的實驗精神和心意也最相通。首部數碼作《童心一二三》真正開展了他的實驗階段,觀人於微的同時,也反省電影形式、影像和聲音。《10》繼續探索數碼攝影的新可能。全片只有五個鏡頭的《伍》、全用臉部特寫講故事的《雪馨》,更是實驗的極致了。
Abbas Kiarostami Revisited II
Died in July this year, Abbas Kiarostami has left us his revered body of work and a legacy of creation. Some local film buffs were lucky enough to meet the master when he came to town for our "Abbas Kiarostami Revisited" in 2013. For those who miss him, they may find some comfort in revisiting his classics in the coming Cine Fan programme. Film theorist David Bordwell said Kiarostami has the widest octave range of any filmmaker he knew. A review of his films in later period takes us along a journey to the heart of his filmic realities filled with poetry, philosophy and humor, and learn what masterful film is and can be. CLOSE-UP is a landmark of meta-cinema exploring the nature of truth and identity; returning to his favorite subject of children, Kiarostami extends his experimentation with ABC AFRICA; his exploration on new cinematic techniques continues in TEN; in FIVE, offering five Zen-like static shots of nature; and in SHIRIN, composing entirely of women's faces.
For details: http://cinefan.com.hk/cms/category/programme/jan-feb-mar-programmes-2017/
Hong Kong International Film Festival